Tien Dung Nguyen 🍀
Tien Dung Nguyen

Neuroscience PhD Student

About Me

Hello! I am a first-year Neuroscience PhD student affiliated with the Institute for Neuroscience at The University of Texas at Austin. I am broadly interested in how mathematical and computational techniques can be leveraged to drive discoveries in neuroscience.

Before I joined the PhD program, I completed my master’s in Computational Neuroscience at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin, where I worked with Stefan Haufe and Arnaud Delorme on computational methods for analyzing linear and nonlinear functional connectivity in EEG time series. Before that, I did my bachelor’s in Computer Science & Economics at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, where I worked at Berliner Wasserbetriebe as part of their dual studies program.

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  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Machine Learning
  • Signal Processing
  • PhD Neuroscience

    The University of Texas at Austin

  • MSc Computational Neuroscience

    Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin

  • BSc Computer Science & Economics

    Berlin School of Economics and Law